The student artists of Art 3 and 4 created oversized portraits of five residents of The Laurels for Advent this year.
Instead of rendering smooth, newborn baby-in-a-manger flesh, this year they studied aging, wrinkled, furrowed faces of women who have lived a lot of life. The respect, attention, even affection for every feature, mark of history, and glimpse of character is evident in the degree of detail captured.
Last Tuesday, the students presented their work to "their ladies" at The Laurels. The live exhibition was quite a hit with not only the portrait subjects themselves but also other residents and even the staff.
Once this year is finished, the women will get to keep the largest portraits ever done for them.
Located in Charlottesville, VA, The Covenant School is a non-denominational, private, Christian day school for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. Students benefit from a challenging academic program, visual and performing arts, competitive athletics, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.